West Australia bans lotteries

West Australia bans lotteries

The new measure was approved in order to protect Lotterywest.

Australia.- The West Australian gaming authorities announced that the online industry will be reduced as the government allow the new legislation that forbids online lottery services in the region. The authorities argue that the ban will benefit Lotterywest, the state-owned lottery agency for West Australian players.

“Online lottery betting organisations, like Lottoland, provide no return to the Western Australian community, which is why we made a firm commitment to ban them in WA,” Premier Mark McGowan said. “The new laws will protect Lotterywest and enable it to continue to provide its outstanding contribution to the community through its grants program.”

He concluded: “The laws are all about protecting Lotterywest and reducing harm to at-risk and problem gamblers in our community.”

International renowned companies such as Gibraltar-operator Lottoland, Bet365, Ladbrokes and Sportsbet will be banned from the State under the approval of the West Australia Government. The “synthetic lottery” service is a major concern for Australian authorities, which specifically targetted Lottoland Australia. However, the company announced the ruling “does not mean the end of Lottoland Australia.” CEO Luke Brill said that the company will develop other ways to offer its services as there’s plenty of time until the ban is enforced.

The lottery project has been debated since the beginning of the year, this week the draft finally got the approval of the government and they officially announced that the new legislation will take effect starting January 1st 2019.

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