Sports betting would boost US revenue

Sports betting would boost US revenue

The legalisation of sports betting would help the NFL boost its ratings.

US.- A new report from MoffettNathanson Research, a leading media research company, established that the legalisation of sports betting in the United States would help the National Football League (NFL) boost its revenues, among other things.

Whilst national leagues like the Major League Baseball (MLB) admitted that they would be willing to consider backing sports betting legalisation, the NFL, along with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Hockey League (NHL), National Basketball League (NBA) and the Major League Baseball (MLB) filed a brief in December 2016 where they opposed the US Supreme Court case that involves sports betting activity in New Jersey. The report says that one potential change in the direction of viewership and ad dollars would be an evolution in the NFL’s view of legalised national sports gambling.

Sara Slane, Senior vice president of public affairs of the American Gaming Association, said: “This report from the leading media analyst on Wall Street shows TV partners why legalizing sports betting would boost viewership and grow advertising revenue. We invite broadcasters and advertisers to join our growing coalition to advocate for Congress to lift the failing federal ban on sports betting.”

“On a network by network business, the NFL Network and ESPN were more likely to be viewed by sports bettors versus the average viewer. These trends would be further inflated if gambling were to be legalised. A majority of NFL Network viewers would be sports bettors, followed closely by 47 percent on ESPN. The broadcast networks would all be closer to the 40 percent range,” added the report.