South Dakota group pushes for sports betting

South Dakota group pushes for sports betting

The group is planning to ask lawmakers for a ballot to bring legal sports betting to the state.

US.- A gambling industry group is planning to work with lawmakers for a 2020 ballot measure to bring legal sports betting to their city Deadwood, located in South Dakota. Neighbouring states still haven’t joined the conversation, therefore South Dakota could benefit from being one of the few states that offer the modality.

Deadwood Gaming Association Executive Director Mike Rodman said that they look at sports betting as another opportunity for marketing of Deadwood and keeping it successful. “We just don’t want to be left behind, you know, we want to be a part of that national conversation,” he said.

Deadwood legalised gambling back in 1989 and it helped grow the local tourism industry. While local casinos showed struggle signs in recent years, Rodman said that operators are hopeful that 2018 will end with a slight growth.

Rodman said that sports betting already happens illegally in the state, and the amendment would give the opportunity to “clean that up” and make sure that people who want to engage in the modality can do it in a safe and regulated manner.

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