Prague Gaming Summit announces Networking Lunch Cruise

Prague Gaming Summit announces Networking Lunch Cruise

Prague Gaming Summit announces RSVP Networking Lunch Cruise through the Vtlava river on June 9, sponsored by EEGEvents.

Czech Republic.- Prague Gaming Summit has announced a Networking Lunch Cruise, sponsored by EEGEvents, that will be held on the second day as part of the event that will be held through June 8-9 at Andel’s by Vienna House Prague. The organisers have issued an open invitation for 50 attending delegates through a press release.

During the last day of the conference, attendants will be able to visit “some of the most renowned sceneries that Prague has to offer and enjoy dinner,” in an event that will allow delegates to network and “grab the last business cards of the participants.”

The Networking Launch Cruise will make possible to “enjoy Prague’s historic sites while avoiding the busy streets from the utter peace and serenity of the river”. From the deck of the boat, participants will be able to see Prague Castle and Charles Bridge.

The boat trip will start at 12.00 and a shuttle bus will be provided from the official hotel to the dock. “This is great opportunity to network and relax before heading off to catch your flight or train,” said the organisers through in the press release.

The Networking Lunch Cruise is an RSVP event and is limited to 50 delegates and only registered delegates are allowed to opt for the lunch cruise. The RSVP Deadline is May 20.


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prague gaming summit Shows & Conferences