Pinnacle Sports benefits Super Bowl bettors

Pinnacle Sports benefits Super Bowl bettors

“Half a million dollars for one bet seems astronomical, but we like to maintain our reputation as the home of high-stakes betting,” said Lang.

US.- Pinnacle Sports announces attractive prizes for wagers and affiliates on Super Bowl’s eve. The leading company offers US$500,000 with 50 bets limit for Sunday’s show. Furthermore, there will be a sweepstake competition for customers at London Affiliate Conference –LAC- in which subscribers can win US$2,000.

“It’s great that we can celebrate the Super Bowl with current and new affiliates at LAC, and I look forward to handing over $2,000 to the lucky winners,” expressed Harry Lang, Marketing Director of the sportsbook corporation.

New sports and casino affiliates who predict the total points scored in the NFL Showdown in Santa Clara, California, will win the prize in next week’s London Affiliate Conference from February 4 to 7. In order to place their bets, customers must register in Pinnacle Sports during the conference and go to Income Access’ booth D3/E1 to tell representatives of the company their wagers.

The innovative American supplier of online sports betting will deposit US$1,000 in the winner’s account who gets the nearest results. Three more affiliates will be lucky to win US$500, US$300 and US$200 depending on how close their predictions are. “Add to that our market-leading odds and a bet with Pinnacle Sports looks less like a ‘Hail Mary’ and more like a sure thing,” concluded Lang.