Parry Sound in talks for a new casino

Even though the gaming commission said it’s not happening, Shawanaga First Nation and First Nations are exploring the possibility of a new casino in the area.

Canada.- The North Star confirmed that First Nations and Shawanaga First Nation are in talks to see if it’s possible to build a casino in Parry Sound, Canada. The gaming commission said that they’re not considering the possibility.

Parry Sound Muskoka MPP Norm Mille said: “I have heard a casino could be coming to Parry Sound. There were some First Nations who had the idea and are exploring it. I believe the mayor of Parry Sound has been having some discussions about the possibility. Shawanaga was one of them.” Mille also said that he spoke to the chief about the casino and that he basically confirmed that he wanted to set up a meeting, even though it hasn’t been scheduled yet.

First Nations are in talks with the government to see if they can expand their territories, and they believe a casino would be a good idea for highway expansion. According to the Canadian site ParrySound, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation said that it doesn’t plan to put a casino in Parry Sound under its modernisation plan.