Northern Quest revealed expansion plans

Northern Quest revealed expansion plans

A local tribe is planning a new construction to expand its existing casino.

US.- The Kalispel Tribe of Indians located in Washington state announced the intention of building a new RV park and new plans to expand its existing casino. The announcement was made at a press conference on Wednesday.

Phil Haugen, COO of Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority, said: “A new RV park allows people that are traveling through our area to stop and invest in our local economy. We believe a new RV park will attract approximately 50,000 visitors a year. It’s been such a great experience and been such a ride. When we started seventeen years ago almost in that little building in 50,000 square feet, we thought it was huge we thought it was massive, we didn’t know it would grow like this.”

The resort will be built close to the Northern Quest Casino on Sprague and it is expected that it will be completed somewhere between the first and second quarter of 2018. “We’re trying to find ways to start new businesses, and we’re trying to find ways to utilize the land base we have out here for economic development and growth,” he added.

A new expansion for its existing casino was also announced: the US$20 million expansion will feature a new children’s entertainment center along with a store, arcade games, and a club among other things. The gaming area will be called Cyber Quest and it will have 70 non-violent family-friendly games. “You’ll be able to come in, let your kids play for a couple hours, go have a good time at the resort, and most importantly the kids will love it,” he concluded.