NFL denies Raiders betting ban

NFL denies Raiders betting ban

As the football team relocated to Las Vegas, experts speculated that the sports betting sector would be banned from authorised bookmakers’ offerings.

US.- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell confirmed that the league hasn’t requested a betting ban for the Raiders football team once they relocate to Las Vegas, Nevada. He told Las Vegas Review-Journal that they don’t intend to do it in the future either.

The sports entity held a vote last week to decide the relocation and debate further conditions to limit the gaming services related to Raiders matches in the State, better known for its large casino industry. Being one of the biggest opponents of the gaming industry, the NFL confirmed its reject against the legalisation of sports betting nationwide. Goodell had said to Sports Illustrated’s Peter King that the league would not change its “position as it relates to legalised sports betting,” and that they still don’t think that it’s a positive thing.

Tony Alamo, Nevada Gaming Commission Chairman, said that the safest place on the planet to place a sports bet is Nevada. “There is consumer protection, regulation and oversight. Because of our regulation, probably the best place on the planet to have a sporting event is Nevada,” he added.