New Zealand’s slots saw increased revenue

New Zealand’s slots saw increased revenue

The reports of 2016 ‘s first quarter shown positive results in the gaming activity.

New Zealand.-  Whilst the island’s policies are reinforcing the gambling laws in New Zealand, local entertainment complexes published good results in revenue generated during the last three months. International gaming operators can suffer an increase in their tax payments as regional companies see better incomes than last year.

According to the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs, the declared slots machines in the island achieved an increase of 3 percent in their revenue in the first quarter of 2016 year-on-year. The numbers are optimistic given the fact that several venues, machines and licensed operators ended their business in the country.

The first quarter generated NZD$6.3 million –US$4.4 million– only for slots machines services in non-casino gambling venues. The national department also highlighted that the granted licence number decreased a 6 percent in the same period. Currently, those gaming venues cover the 87 percent of slots offerings in the country, whilst the number of complexes declined by 4 percent in the last period.