New proposal to regulate gaming in Japan

New proposal to regulate gaming in Japan

The lower house of Japan’s Parliament received a regulating proposal to address problem gambling.

Japan.- Representatives of the lower house of Japan’s Parliament are debating soon a new proposal to address problem gambling, as the casino industry’s development is expected to begin in the upcoming months. Meanwhile, the Parliament’s measure to finally start the casino process is still pending.

According to Japanese press, the recently introduced proposal would have to be approved before the government signs the delayed Integrated Resorts (IR) Implementation Bill, which is the main bill to allow casino development in the Asian country. The process would be further delayed if representatives do not begin the debate soon.

The new bill proposes a regulation to prevent problem gambling among Japanese residents, as well as “treatment programmes for problem gamblers, and social support for them afterwards.” However, the two ruling coalition parties in Japan decided to maintain their position to delay the consideration of a gambling addiction bill, called “Basic Bill on Gambling Addiction Countermeasures,” until Japan’s annual budget is passed next year.

It is estimated that the gambling addiction bill will be reconsidered after the budget’s decision, which could be between May and June of 2018. The Japan Innovation Party, based in Osaka, had asked earlier this month that the ruling parties passed the gambling addiction legislation in order to enact it before the current Diet session ends on December 9. Nevertheless, the attempt was rejected by ruling coalition Komeito party.

In this article:
casinos gaming Japan Problem gambling