New poll reveals casino approval in South Carolina

New poll reveals casino approval in South Carolina

A new report shows that residents are in favor of legalising casinos in the state.

US.- The State reported that a new poll from Whinthrop Poll establishes that sixty-eight percent of South Carolina residents are in favor of allowing a limited number of gambling facilities to open in the state.

The results show that residents are likely to support the idea if the part of the revenues that goes directly to the state’s funds is set aside exclusively for roads and infrastructure needs. State Rep. Todd Rutherford, D-Richland, the author of the bill, said: “That is literally earth shattering. What South Carolinians said in this poll is that they are tired of the Republicans digging into their pockets and taking their tax money when there is another alternative.”

On the other hand, republican lawmakers, who have full control of the South Carolina House and Senate, said that more gambling could attract more crime and addiction. State Sen. Shane Massey, R-Edgefield said that he doesn’t think gambling is the solution to their problems. “It likely creates even more problems. I can’t imagine that 68 percent of my constituents would support that,” he added.