New Jersey legalises lottery courier

New Jersey legalises lottery courier

Customers will be able to buy tickets from their own homes.

US.- Malta-based Lotter Enterprises along with its subsidiary Locallotto Inc announced that they’re preparing to offer their lottery courier services in New Jersey. The law that was lobbied successfully will take effect November 1.

Marcel Klugman, founder and director of Lottery Enterprises, told the Association Press that he hopes he can lobby in other states to pass a similar law so more courier services can operate as well. Even though a federal law prohibits couriers to operate lottery tickets between states, there are some operators that still do it in New York, California, and other states, but they still haven’t been found guilty of illegal activities. The law that was passed in New Jersey is the first one in the country to regulate the service.

The courier is required to safeguard personal information, as well as credit card numbers and warn its clients that firms not registered in the state are eligible for fraud risk. Klugman said New Jersey was their first option since the state already legalised online gambling. Carole Hedinger, lottery executive director, said that she was hoping that Governor Chris Christie would beto the bill. Back in December, she said that it was a risky proposition. “The Lottery has opposed this legislation since it was introduced,” she added.