Nevada Rep in favor of online gambling

Nevada Rep in favor of online gambling

A representative decided to wrote a letter to Pence and Trump to avoid a nationwide ban of online gambling.

US.- Dina Titus, a Nevada Representative, reported that she wrote an open letter to elected President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pense where she elaborated the reasons why a ban would not be helpful.

Earlier this month, the attorney general of Nevada became the tenth representative to join Sheldon Adelson in his plan to outlaw online poker across the United States. The attorney generals asked Trump and Pence to restore the original provisions of the 1961 Wire Act, demanding that it only applies to sports betting, and not to all forms of online gambling. Whilst Trump has an important background in being friendly to the gaming industry, Pence is an historical opponent to the online gaming market.

On her letter, Titus touched some of the subjects that the ten attorney generals used against online gambling, and she said that it contains numerous unfair allegations and inaccuracies. The Representative said that regulated online casinos help prevent underage gambling, whilst unregulated casinos can’t prevent the problem. She also explained that a banning on a federal level would be a violation of state’s rights.