Nevada proposes changes in legal gambling age

Nevada proposes changes in legal gambling age

A lawmaker introduced a measure to change the current legal frame in the state.

US.- Rep. representative Jim Wheeler introduced a legislation that would lower the legal gamble age from 21 to 18 years old. AB86 is one of the 200 measures that the official has presented in the last few years.

According to broadcaster KTVN-TV, Wheeler said: “Personally, I think if you’re old enough to go and serve our country in foreign lands, you’re old enough to come to Las Vegas or Reno or Lake Tahoe and have a good time.” The lawmaker introduced in July the request to present the measure AB86. Wheeler’s legislation could face an interesting challenge since casinos would need more controls in order to make sure that only players that are over 21 years old are the ones allowed to consume alcohol in the facilities.

In that sense, the new bill could help the state become more aware of what happens inside the casinos. “Obviously, an 18-year-old is not allowed to drink in this state. So, they would have to check identifications but they’re probably doing that anyway to make sure they’re of gambling age,” Wheeler said.

It is certainly not the first time that Nevada tries to lower the legal gambling age, since in 2008 a group of gambling regulators introduced the idea during a gaming law conference, but it was later shut down by lawmakers, because they weren’t sure how the governor or the state assembly would take their proposal.