NBA, MLB and PGA Tour support sports betting regulation

NBA, MLB and PGA Tour support sports betting regulation

The sports entities participated at a hearing about sports betting in Illinois and expressed their support towards a sports betting regulation.

US.- Illinois hosted a session yesterday in which it the possibility of regulating the sports betting market was discussed should the US Supreme Court lift the federal ban that prohibits the state from offering the gambling modality. Representatives from the NBA, MLB and the PGA Tour testified that they support the regulation of sports betting in a responsible way.

Dan Spillane, representing the National Basketball Association (NBA) said that while the NBA had previously opposed the expansion of sports betting in the United States, the entity studied the issue and that “the time has come for sports fans to bet in a safe way.”

Major League Baseball (MLB) representative at the hearing, Bryan Seeley, said that if Illinois wants to legalise sports betting, some important things must be in the legislation. Chicago Cubs and White Sox representatives were also at the hearing. “We are not looking to prevent betting,” Seeley said, adding that the MLB doesn’t support betting in the minor leagues. “We do not want to create betting in those markets; there’s more risk for corruption.”

Furthermore, the PGA Tour told Legal Sports Report that it supports the regulation of sports betting in a safe and responsible manner. “We believe regulation is the most effective way of ensuring integrity in competition, protecting consumers, engaging fans and generating revenue for government, operators and leagues. We are aligned with the NBA and MLB in this area, and we are looking for ways to collaborate with legislators, regulators, operators and others in the industry on regulation that serves the interests of all involved,” the golf entity said.

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