Missouri freezes plans on casino laws

Missouri freezes plans on casino laws

Upgraded casino regulations in Missouri would be delayed by the new Governor, Eric Greitens.

US.- New Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has frozen every regulation on business industry, including the gaming sector. Greitens has taken over the State office at the beginning of the year and seemingly decided to stop the gambling industry expansion.

Gov. Greitens’ order to freeze the business regulation affected the Missouri Gaming Commission activity. According to the measure, State agencies would not be able to introduce new regulation and current gaming frame work would be checked by members of his office. The new measure would also delay the debate on updating gambling legislation, which would integrate online sports betting in the regulation, as well as approve equipment upgrades in casinos and at brick-and-mortar venues.

Troy Stremming, executive vice president of government relations and public affairs at one of the most successful casinos of the State, the Pinnacle Entertainment, shared its position on the issue: “Regarding Gov. Greitens’ executive order freezing all new state regulations and ordering a review of every regulation currently in force, we believe that it is always great to have fresh eyes take a look at all rules and regulations to ensure that burdensome and restrictive regulations on business growth and development do not impede the excellent progress being made in St. Charles and in south St. Louis County.”