Maine voters reject York County casino

Maine voters reject York County casino

Voters in the state overwhelmingly defeated a proposal to build a casino in York County.

US.- Maine voters decided to vote against a proposal to build a casino in York County, and ended an expensive campaign that violated several state campaign-finance laws. Question 1 on the ballot lost by approximately 83-17 on Tuesday.

When conceding the loss, entrepreneur Shawn Scott said: “We really love this state, it’s a great place and it will always be special in our hearts, it will continue to be. That being said, the results don’t look encouraging and we are, of course, disappointed with the outcome. I want to thank everyone for joining in what we thought, and still believe, is a great project for Maine.”

On the other hand, spokesman for A Bad Deal for Maine, an opposing group, Roy Lenardson, said: “We’ve heard a lot lately about voters being tricked by ballot questions, but this is vindication of the Maine voter. As much as I would like to take credit for this, it’s a case of democracy working. Everybody did their job, from the governor to the Legislature to the (Maine) ethics commission to the media, who dove into this story. Voters got the information they needed and they made a good decision.”

The ballot would’ve allowed Scott’s Capital Seven to apply for a casino license worth US$200 million, and would’ve required the company to pay a US$5 million fee to Maine.

In this article:
legislation Maine York County