Louisiana tribe reveals expansion plan

Louisiana tribe reveals expansion plan

Jena Band Of Choctaw Indians expressed its desire to build a hotel next to its existing casino.

US.- The Louisiana tribe Jena Band Of Choctaw Indians announced its plans to build an 80-room hotel next to the Jena Choctaw Pines Casino. According to the tribe they already gathered the funding needed to begin the construction process.

KALB-TV reported that the announcement was made during the fourth anniversary of the opening of the Jena Choctaw Pines Casino. Chief for the Jena Band Of Choctaw Indians, Cheryl Smith said that the upcoming hotel is expected to begin operations late 2018, whilst its profits would go directly to the tribe’s funds, specifically education and housing. The hotel that would be next to the 46.000 square feet casino would also boost its local economy and Louisiana’s. “We have over 200 acres here and these are just the first tiny steps that we’re taking. Gaming is the venue now so you need to add extra amenities here,” said Smith

Back in 2015, Smith told the Town Talk that they were growing but they were doing it small and wisely. “There’s such a thing as getting too big. We never want to over-extend and burden the tribe with debt we can’t pay back. My mentors informed me that the hey-day of gaming is over. We know that gaming is down all over the country. We’re doing well with what we’re doing right now. We want to grow but we want to do it is a smart way.”