Germany to dedicate a day to gambling awareness

Germany to dedicate a day to gambling awareness

The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) of Germany has revealed that September 25 will be dedicated to gambling awareness.

Germany.- The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) of Germany has announced that as part of its attempt to raise awareness around problem gambling, it will host the Aktionstag Glücksspielsucht 2019. The awareness day will offer information to players int regards of the different and existing gambling offerings in the country.

The BZgA campaign includes the slogan “Do not gamble until addiction” and the website, where players will be able to test their gambling behaviour to see if they’re at risk.

BZgA chief Dr Heidrun Thaiss explained that it is important to inform people and raise awareness of the addictive nature of gambling before they can develop problems around it. “This is why the BZgA is offering online and offline information and counselling services, in several languages, for gamblers and their relatives,” he said.

“Frequent, repeated gambling can be a sign of addiction risk,” Thaiss explained. “Not everyone is aware of this, especially as there are different risks associated with each form of gambling. Products offering fast gameplay and short intervals between payouts tend to lead to players gambling more often and spending more money than intended,” he added.

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