Georgia Lottery sets new record

Georgia Lottery sets new record

The lottery from Georgia has reported that it has set a new revenue record in the first quarter of the new fiscal year.

US.- The Georgia Lottery Corp has announced record profits transferred to the State Treasury’s Lottery for Education Account. The figure rises to US$291.6 million, which surpasses last years record first-quarter transfer by US$6.32 million.

The lottery said that the record first quarter follows a record fiscal year. In the fiscal year 2019, the Georgia Lottery transferred US$1.14 billion, making it the fourth consecutive year the Lottery surpassed US$1 billion in profits for education.

“We are extremely proud of the success we’ve had in maximising revenues for HOPE and Pre-K,” said Georgia Lottery President and CEO Gretchen Corbin. “Our record first quarter is a great foundation to build upon for the remainder of fiscal year 2020 and a reminder of all the support we receive from our players, retailers and partners.”

Local DA called for gambling machine ban

Macon Judicial Circuit District Attorney David Cooke called on a gambling machine ban in Georgia.

“As DA, there’s a lot I can do once we have sued or indicted individual store and machine owners who have violated the law,” Cooke said in a press conference. “But this problem will not go away until the legislature acts to ban these machines that are wreaking havoc in our communities.”

The DA also said the machines contribute to behavioural addictions and target “the most vulnerable in the community.”

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