Georgia interested in new gambling regulations

Georgia interested in new gambling regulations

The European country has invited bidders for a project that would change regulations in the industry.

Georgia.- The Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia has released a tender document on its website that invited bidders for a project that offers ways to control the gambling business in the country. As the document details, the winning tender will be announced on December 1.

“To date, the Revenue Service has no mechanism to establish and carry out a full control over the payment of taxes and the fulfillment of the gambling license conditions, because it does not have the required information,” the document says, as E-Play Online revealed.

The one that wins the bid has to develop a project that provides the Revenue Service information on revenues and deductions from each gaming device, as well as the percentage of winnings, a detailed transactions history in case of electronic gambling operations and of filled in tickets in case of totes.

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