Georgia casino laws at risk

Georgia casino laws at risk

Leading GOP candidates for Georgia’s gurbernatorial race advanced they’ll oppose casino gambling legalisation in the state.

US.- Georgia is ready to choose its governor next November 2018 and the casino industry is not happy at all with the candidates. During a forum last Saturday, leading GOP candidates have advanced that they will oppose any attempts to legalise casino gambling in the state.

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, former Sen. Hunter Hill, Sen. Michael Williams, and Secretary of State Brian Kemp are the four Republican main candidates for the position. All four of them assured that, should they be elected, any proposal for legalising casino activity in Georgia through an amendment of the state’s Constitution would be rejected.

Businessmen have been trying to push lawmakers to legalise casino activity for several years, and the last attempt was earlier this year, through an effort that didn’t rack much support and easily lost momentum. Furthermore, as Republicans hold the majority in the Legislature, it shouldn’t be a surprise if any further changes to the gambling situation in the state get rejected this fall when the debate is renewed.

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