Gambling zone to boost Sochi tourism

Gambling zone to boost Sochi tourism

Russia’s Federal Tourism Agency said that it will help boost activity in resorts during off-season.

Russia.- Evgeniy Kudelya, head of Russia’s Federal Tourism Agency, said that the opening of a new gambling zone in the city would help boost the activity of resorts in the region whilst off-season. Sochi is currently the most popular gaming area in Russia.

According to Kudelya, tourism traffic increased significantly during the last several years and the demand for holidays in Russia, particularly in Sochi, is very high. “At the same time, such assets will make a major contribution to solution of one more problem, the off-season problem. Despite the fact that Sochi is the most popular and one of the best resorts, we have the off-season curve and it should be smoothed out,” said the head of the agency.

A new casino would create thousands of new jobs along with extra revenues not only for the city but for regional budgets as well. Anatoly Rykov, First Deputy Head of Sochi, said that they will make sure that the new gambling zone meets all the standards and requirements.