Former MLB commissioner backs sports betting

Former MLB commissioner backs sports betting

The former MLB chief has voiced his support for the expansion of regulated sports betting in the United States.

US.- Fay Vincent, former commissioner of the Major League Baseball (MLB), has revealed that he supports the expansion of a regulated sports betting market in the United States, if the Supreme Court lifts the federal ban.

Vincent led the MLB from 1989 until 1992 and is now part of a list of officials in the US sports world that backs the expansion of regulated sports betting. He said to radio station The Game 730AM that the expansion of sports betting would create an avalanche of money for professional sports teams.

He believes that a possible expansion of sports betting will be the biggest development in the overall business of sports in many years. “My guess when you legalise betting on sports in this country, you are going to generate an absolute avalanche of money for the franchises. Once you make betting on sports legal, you change the whole culture of how the games are evaluated and approached; the cultural and social and moral issues are really enormous,” he said.

Nevertheless, he said that if the US Supreme Court rules in favour of New Jersey, the latter should create broker deals with the leagues to create a good revenue distribution system. “New Jersey will have to work out a deal with the leagues; the leagues are going to want to be paid, there will be a delay,” he added.

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