eSports firm interested in Atlantic City

eSports firm interested in Atlantic City

The company is working with local authorities to bring video games tournaments to Atlantic City.

US.- An eSports consulting company is reportedly working with the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) from New Jersey in order to bring video game tournaments to Atlantic City.

INGAME Esports President Anthony Gaud said that the competitions would be held in venues owned by the CRDA, Press of Atlantic City reported. The president said that he is hoping that the tournaments start within the first few months of next year in either Boardwalk Hall or the convention center.

“We’re working with the city to ensure eSports benefits everyone,” Gaud said on Thursday, and added that a number of leagues, teams and organisations have expressed their interest in coming to Atlantic City.

Marshall Spevak, deputy executive director of the CRDA, said: “We’ve met with INGAME about bringing esports events to Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall, and we’re excited about the possibilities they’ve spoken about.”

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