DGE sanctions DraftKings

DGE sanctions DraftKings

The New Jersey DGE sanctioned the fantasy sports operator DraftKings over self-exclusion failures.

US.- The New Jersey Department of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) has decided to fine DraftKings over a series of rules that the fantasy sports (DFS) operator breached, including self-exclusion rules.

Despite the fact that the problem was identified by the company and resolved on the same day, the DGE said that the operator still has to pay US$7k in civil penalties and an additional US$3.2k to be returned to players.

DraftKings was also ordered to pay a civil penalty of US$2k after the DGE found that the company sent promotional material and direct correspondence to a number of self-excluded individuals in New Jersey.

While the DGE has not received any complaints regarding the promotional material, DraftKings was still issued the fines as it failed to correctly comply with the self-exclusion systems set by the DGE, as well as failing to suspend the account and the players from gambling.

In this article:
DraftKings New Jersey