Delta Corp discusses casino relocation

Delta Corp discusses casino relocation

The CEO of the casino company that operates in Goa and Sikkim said that shifting casinos to land could expand the industry.

India.- Anil Malani, CEO and President of Delta Corp, said that a casino policy that allows offshore casinos to move to land would actually expand the gaming industry. The official told BTVi that Goa is already growing at the 30-30 percent.

“[Casino policy] is a sensitive topic, we understand that. Other policies… yes there is I believe a policy which is going to allow us to move from the river to the land — with rivers you face a lot of challenges, access being one of it and a whole host of other infrastructure creation around being on water which we need to look into,” said Malani.

The CEO added that if they move to land, all that will eventually fall, and they won’t have to deal with a lot of things. “Right now we are completely strained for capacity. When that happens we could be building may be five times, 10 times next year. So we can actually plan for years to come,” Malani said. Delta Corp is currently the only listed company engaged in casino activities, and along with its subsidiaries in offers 1600 gaming positions in Goa and Sikkim.

Manohar Parrikar, Chief Minister of Goa, said that the BJP-led coalition government in the city will come up with a policy to govern the casino industry next week. He said that the five off-shore casinos in the Mandovi River will be relocated off Panaji, Parrikar told the Goa Legislative Assembly that “casino policy will be brought in one week to get casinos out of the river in a defined time frame.” There are currently five operational off-shore casinos located in the zone, and more than a dozen on-shore in the coastal regions.

In this article:
Delta Corp India regulation