Curaçao seeks online gambling legislation

Curaçao seeks online gambling legislation

The Finance Minister from Curaçao has revealed his intention to present online gambling legislation in the territory.

Curaçao.- Finance Minister Kenneth Gijsbertha participated in ICE London 2020 and discussed the situation of online gambling in Curaçao. The minister says that the gambling industry has potential to grow and become an important economic pillar.

Gijsberthasaid during the conference at ICE London that Curaçao needs to introduce a new legislation as it is important for the local gambling industry. He considers the industry to be a potential contributor to the local economy.

However, he said that the problem is that the gambling industry has been in the hands of a few. Thus, it is uncertain if Curaçao could end up benefitting from the legalisation of the industry. Sources around the industry are interested in the government studying such thing in order to see the potential of the online gambling market. They would also like to see what the government would do to allow other companies to participate in this industry.

The gambling sector in Curaçao has been operating for more than 25 years without supervision and legal permit requirements. Sublicenses are currently granted illegally and the government does not control them.

In this article:
Curacao legislation online gambling