City of Dreams suspends construction

City of Dreams suspends construction

The fifth hotel tower from Melco in the City of Dreams casino facility stopped its construction over a fatal accident.

Macau.- The government from Macau ordered the suspension of the construction process at Morpheus, the fifth tower built in the City of Dreams casino complex by Melco Resorts and Entertainment Ltd, after a fatal accident of a 33 year old man.

According to local press, the Chinese worker died after a steel beam hit him when he was working at the facility’s 30th floors. The report established that the accident happened after the beam fell 33 feet and hit him. Macau’s government released a statement of Friday that detailed that the Labour Affairs Bureau issued the immediate suspension of all works at the construction site, “in order to protect the safety of other workers; and ordered the contractor immediately to review the current occupational health and safety procedures [at the site]… and submit a detailed report of investigation.”

Whilst the report also said that the contractor will be able to resume work after the approval from the Labour Affairs Bureau, it is still uncertain how long that could take. Last month, the government also ordered the suspension of the construction of the upcoming Grand Lisboa Palace casino over another fatal accident, when a worker fell from a platform that is 8 meters tall and was later found unconscious when he was being taken to the hospital. Grand Lisboa is still inactive.

In this article:
City of Dreams Macau