California also bets for sports betting

California also bets for sports betting

The Super Bowl betting results led to great interest in legalising sports betting industry in California.

US.- After the Super Bowl generated a record breaking revenue through legal sports betting services, another state could be interested in legalising the industry locally. As reported by the American press, California may have joined the lists of states waiting for the US Supreme Court’s resolution on the PASPA case.

The sports betting legalisation is an issue discussed at national level throughout the United States. As over 18 states are willing to introduce new legislation regulating the market, New Jersey has taken the case to the US Supreme Court, which is expected to set a resolution next month. Under current legislation, sports betting is banned federalwide, except in four states: Nevada, Oregon, Delaware and Montana, as the four of them were offering some variation of sports lotteries back in 1992, when PASPA (the Act against sports betting) was approved.

“You could see tax revenue as high as a US$100 million or US$200 million a year to the state general fund if we authorize sports wagering,” California State Assemblyman Adam Gray said. Gray presented a proposal this week, following the huge success sports betting platforms achieved during this year’s Super Bowl edition, one of the main events of the year in the United States.

“Many people are on online sites now, but their money is not protected,” Gray added referring to the benefits of operating a transparent and legal sports betting industry. “There’s no regulation, or accountability for those companies, so this will kind of bring it out of the shadows and have a legal regulated marketplace.”

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