Bermuda MP against gaming commission

Bermuda MP against gaming commission

Mark Pettingill critiqued the gaming commission over its progress in developing the industry in the country.

Bermuda.- independent MP Mark Pettingill said that the work of the Casino Gaming Commission in Bermuda is not good enough since it failed to develop the gaming product. The official believes that they didn’t make the efforts to develop the industry in the country.

Along with MP Shawn Crockwell, Pettingill claimed that the Government was misleading the House of Assembly with its response to the proposed casino fees. According to Royal Gazette, the independents spoke against the measure that was passed in February. “Where is the resignation for putting these fees out there? I believe the Government and the Minister were misled by the independent commission and someone needs to resign over that,” said Pettingill.

Crockwell accused the One Bermuda Alliance of failing to seek advice from potential operators: “We were told by the Minister of the time who had conduct of the legislation that there was no pushback on the level of fees, but that’s not true. I know that an Australian operator came to Bermuda with the intention of doing business in Bermuda, met with the Gaming Commission and expressed concern about the level of fees.”

“I have received phone calls from a litany of individuals who are sitting at the table right now, individuals with designated site orders and they were not consulted on the level of fees.They had disagreement with the level of fees and some people are saying they are not building,” he added. The independent MP also predicted that they’re going to see a delay in the promised ground breaking in many areas because of this issue. “I’m hoping I’m proved wrong, but I’m inviting the Premier to hold someone accountable for the misinformation that was brought to the House,” he concluded.