NagaCorp to meet employee demands

NagaCorp to meet employee demands

The company has agreed to increase wages between 18% and 30% and to reinstatement union president Chhim Sithar.

Cambodia.- Following a two-day strike, Nagacorp has accepted employee demands with the 3,000 workers no back at work. The country’s largest casino company NagaWorld followed the management’s decision to raise wages and reinstate the union leader Chhim Sithar.

The company has agreed to increase wage levels between 18% and 30%, which workers have been calling for since September when Chhim Sithar was suspended. His reinstatement comes as a surprise after the company said in a statement on Friday that “the group expects to continue to suspend Ms Chhim Sithar, but with full pay, pending further investigations and analysis.” 

Last week, NagaCorp described its employee wages and fringe benefits program as “one of the best and if not the highest in Cambodia” and accused union leaders of failing to engage in amicable discussions after workers rallied outside the company’s NagaWorld complex in Phnom Penh. Although employees have now returned to work, the company has not released an official statement regarding the strike.

NagaCorp recorded a gross gaming revenue (GGR) of €1.2 billion in the first nine months of 2019 representing an increase of 20.2% over the same period last year. It has also begun constructing Naga 3, which is three times larger than Naga 1 and Naga 2 combined, with a budget of €3.2 billion. It is set to open in 2025.

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cambodia NagaCorp