Anti-casino groups launched an information website

Anti-casino groups launched an information website

It includes links to relevant city documents, media articles, and a list of names and phone numbers of a dozen local anti-casino groups

Japan.- Although Yokohama already announced their intention to bid for an Integrated Resort license, local people is doing everything to avoid the development of a casino in the city.

Last November 29, anti-casino groups launched an information website to provide information with the objective of making people aware of the consequences of a IR in their city.

It includes links to relevant city documents, media articles, and a list of names and phone numbers of a dozen local anti-casino groups. Also, it will coordinate actions between various anti-casino groups to have more impact.

The man behind the website is 72-year-old Akiyoshi Takanashi, a Yokohama resident and veteran of a number of left-leaning causes.

The Constitutional Democratic Party of Kanagawa already showed its disagreement with the project. The party have established the Casino Problems Countermeasures HQ, which will take all the actions it can to reveal displeasure with an IR in their city.

In spite of this opposition, Yokohama isn’t giving up. There is still enough support for local officials to continue pushing forward and the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry is preparing a PR campaign to try to convince those opposed to the idea that it’s time to come to the other side.

In this article:
casino IR Japan legislation Yokohama