Online gambling syndicate in Malaysia arrested

Police in Malaysia have arrested 25 members of an online gambling syndicate.
Police in Malaysia have arrested 25 members of an online gambling syndicate.

Police in Malaysia have arrested 25 people from an online gambling syndicate that made RM135,000 (US$31,000) a day.

Malaysia.- Police in Malaysia have arrested 25 people from an online gambling syndicate that was reported to be making RM135,000 (US$31,000) a day.

All members of the syndicate were Chinese nationals, and were based in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

Bukit Aman Anti-Vice, Gambling and Secret Societies Division (D7) Principal Assistant Director, SAC Mohd Zani Che Din, said the raid was ‘around 11.15am’ and was based on a public tip-off.

He said the 25 people arrested, including five women, were aged 18 to 45 years and were from Jianxi and Guizhou districts.

In a statement, he said: “All of them were found to be promoting gambling through WeChat and text messages applications to customers in China as well as organising online gambling and betting games.

“The syndicate gave the impression that the game is easy to play, and has the potential to win big through the use of QR Code for customers to try their luck.”

The games offered included ‘Lucky Draw Canada 28’ and ‘Beijing 28’ based on big and small figures by targeting victims in China.

Mohd Zani added that in the raid, police also seized the main control computer, 19 laptops, 74 cell phones and two routers.

“Those arrested and the items seized were taken to the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters for further investigation.”

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