Harvest Fund Management buys Melco shares

Harvest Fund Management buys Melco shares

The institutional investor acquired 426,600 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately € 8,44 million.

China.- According to Harvest Fund Management Co’s most recent report, the company acquired a new stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited during the second quarter.

Harvest Fund Management Co. Ltd owed approximately 0.09% of Melco Resorts & Entertainment. Now, and as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Melco Resorts & Entertainment comprises approximately 1.1% of Harvest Fund Management Co. Ltd’s portfolio, making the stock its 17th biggest position.

Melco’s Shares & Shareholders

In addition, several other institutional investors have also made changes to their positions in Melco.

Nuveen Asset Management LLC purchased a new stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment in the second quarter valued at about € 200 million.

Broad Peak Investment Management LTD. raised its stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment by 48.1% in the second quarter. The institution now owns 3,978,814 shares of the company’s stock valued at € 78,8 million after buying an additional 1,292,958 shares during the last quarter.

Coronation Fund Managers Ltd. raised its stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment by 11.9% in the second quarter. It now owns 3,884,374 shares of the company’s stock valued at € 76,8 million after buying an additional 413,469 shares.

Matthews International Capital Management LLC raised its stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment by 2,521.3% in the second quarter. The investor now owns 3,520,700 shares of the company’s stock valued at € 69,6 million after buying an additional 3,386,387 shares.

Finally, Point72 Asset Management L.P. purchased a new stake in Melco Resorts & Entertainment in the second quarter valued at about € 40,9 million.

35.69% of Melco Resorts & Entertainment’s stock is currently owned by institutional investors.

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