Galaxy answered to eight Japanese cities and prefectures requests

Galaxy answered to eight Japanese cities and prefectures requests

Galaxy wants to bid for multiple IR locations in Japan and is the only company trying to get both major urban

Japan.- Galaxy Entertainment Group Vice Chairman Francis Lui revealed yesterday that the company has been working with 8 different Japanese prefectures and cities and it is preparing the ninth.

“To date, we have responded to eight cities and prefectures for requests for information or requests for concepts including most recently in Osaka, and we are now preparing for Yokohama. And we look forward to continuing with this process to ensure the best possible IR will be developed for Japan,” Lui said.

“We are encouraged to see news this week of the Japanese government’s timeline relating to IR certification applications which will take place in the first half of 2021, signaling the beginning of the formal bidding process for selected sites, which is scheduled to take place in 2020,” he added.

Yesterday, Osaka’s authorities presented the conditions required of operators to construct the Integrated Resort in Yumeshima. The idea of the local government is to launch its RFP process next month, December 2019, and choose its operator around June 2020.

Japan national government informed that they won’t accept IR certification applications until January 2021 and the three locations will be decided in the end of the year.

Galaxy wants to bid for multiple IR locations in Japan and is the only company that is fighting to get both major urban and regional market locations, Osaka and Yokohama.

In this article:
asia casino IR Japan OSAKA Yokohama