Delta Corp confident with finances despite crisis

Delta is confident about its finances despite the crisis.
Delta is confident about its finances despite the crisis.

The India-based company said it does not expect any significant impact of the pandemic on its financial results for the year ended March 31, 2021. 

India.- Casio operator Delta Corp has said it is confident about its financial results despite the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.

The India-based company said the crisis had not had a significant impact on its financial results for the year ended March 31, 2021. 

In its latest report, the company revealed total income of 191.3 crores (US$25.3million) for the year ended March 31, 2020, down from 213.53 crores in 2019. 

Profit for the year ended March 31, 2020, reached 29 crores, down from 57.3 crores in the prior-year period. 

The company said it was confident with its financies and remained debt-free.

“The group is debt-free and would have adequate liquidity available to honour its liabilities and obligations, as and when due,” Delta Corp said in its report.

Delta Corp was forced to suspend all land-based operations from the third week of March 2020, shortly before the end of its reporting period. 

However, the company has already reported that the Goa, Sikkim, and Daman regions have been declared Covid-free with effect from May 1, 2020. 

These regions are home to the majority of its land-based gaming venues.

The government has also announced it will lift the lockdown in phases, and it is expected that a “new normal” will be achieved over the next year, the company said.

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