Cambodia: Donaco close temporarily its Star Vegas Hotel

Donaco’s Aristo Hotel in Vietnam remains open
Donaco’s Aristo Hotel in Vietnam remains open

Thailand government closed the border crossing between the two countries for two weeks.

Cambodia.- Donaco International Ltd has taken some measures after the Thailand government closed the border crossing between the two countries for two weeks.

The company closed most operations at its Star Vegas Hotel in Poipet and offered unpaid leave to multiple staff members through March and April, according to Inside Asia Gaming.

Donaco’s Aristo Hotel in Vietnam remains open but with reduced staffing due to lower business volumes.

“The board and management is closely monitoring the situation, with the safety of both our visitors and staff foremost in our mind. We are taking pro-active measures to ensure a safe operating environment, as well as controlling expenditure,” said Donaco Chairman Mel Ashton. “

“We have also, unfortunately, had to make some headcount reductions, which we very much regret the need to make, however, this is a necessary decision for the current environment,” he said.

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