Armenian MP says betting points will decline in 2020

Armenian MP says betting points will decline in 2020

The MP from Armenia said that betting companies will be able to work as usual until November 2020, when the betting points will decline.

Armenia.- Armenia has been discussing changes in its gambling industry for quite some time, and even passed new restrictions this year. Now, an MP said that betting companies will work as usual until November 2020, but new changes will be introduced after that.

Babken Tunyan, chair of the parliamentary commission on economic issues and MP from ruling party My Step, said that there will be no changes until November 2020. He said that betting companies will work as usual and without fear of any consequences.

However, Tunyan said that after November 2020 the situation for betting companies will change. Betting points in Armenia will decline and special gambling zones will be created, according to Armenian News. “Each betting company will be able to have one office in each administrative district of the capital, the regional centre and in the four cities specified by the bill, where special gambling zones will be created,” Tunyan added.

The MP also discussed the situation of online gambling and said that owners of such companies should not worry about the future for another six months after the law comes into force.

“Initially, we believed that the law should immediately enter into force, but after discussions with experts and specialists, we came to the conclusion that we should wait, because this is a licensed activity, and we are not entitled to prohibit or restrict it right away,” the MP added.

Gambling ads restrictions approved this year

The National Assembly of Armenia adopted in June new amendments that will affect the gambling industry. The parliament adopted at a final hearing the bill that restricts gambling advertisements on tv and radio.

The new laws establish that gambling ads are permitted to air on television only from 10 pm until 7 am. Gambling ads on radio will be allowed from 8 am to 8 pm, but with the exception of one hour before or after any kids’ program. Moreover, the ads restrictions from Armenia establish that they can’t exceed 3 minutes on air during the allowed period.

Earlier in June, the Parliament passed at first hearing the series of gambling regulations discussed by Tunyan that restrict gambling to only four towns in the territory. The legislative piece aims at limiting bookmaking activity to just four towns: Tsakhkadzor, Jermuk, Sevan and Meghri. The initiative came to light in order to minimise gambling addiction among the Armenian population.

In this article:
Armenia regulation