“Alfastreet has been around for many years, and will be around for many more”

“Alfastreet has been around for many years, and will be around for many more”

Albert Radman, Sales Director at Alfastreet, spoke to Focus Gaming News about the future of the gaming industry post Coronavirus crisis.

Slovenia.- Despite the Coronavirus outbreak impacting the industry, Alfastreet is going to great lengths to ensure it is business as usual.

But the organisation knows these are unprecedented and uncertain times, and that challenges lay ahead.

We spoke with Albert Radman to learn how the business plans to overcome these hurdles now and into the future.

How has Alfastreet adapted its operations to the current worldwide scenario as most countries shut down due to the pandemic?

Everything and everyone is shut down at the moment, and that includes part of the Alfastreet organisation as well. To face these tough times, we have had to close down certain parts of the business until times are favourable for the company like ours to resume operations

During this period, our development arm is working as normal and without any distractions and with one goal in mind; to make sure we are ready for when normality returns.

We are preparing new products, software and hardware solutions and we are making our existing product line better and more efficient. We are also upgrading our product line to suit the new world order and the rules that are coming in post Covid-19.

How do you think the gaming industry will have to act once normal operations resume?

The gaming industry will take a big hit on a global scale and the recovery process will be long and painful. However, every operator is eager to get back to normal levels of business.

As well as the manufacturers and suppliers, operators are also restart as effectively and efficiently as possible, and to recover the losses made during the outbreak.

Speaking on behalf of the gaming community that we’re in contact with, we are standing by for a flying start and we will help and support each other when the time is right. Still, it will take a year, maybe two for any of us to be able to say that we are almost back to normal. 

We are preparing new products, software and hardware solutions and we are making our existing product line better and more efficient. We are also upgrading our product line to suit the new world order and the rules that are coming in post Covid-19.

Albert Radman, Sales Director at Alfastreet

Will this isolation period have an impact on how the industry will operate in the future?

The land based operations will have to follow any new rules that are put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19 and to protect players. Operators are already preparing everything needed and we can confirm that we are working together with many of them, as we are looking for the best and most efficient solutions. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with operators and/or your customers?

Alfastreet is a company that has been around for many years, and will be around for many more.

The times of struggle have arrived for everyone but we are here and we will get through it. We’ll be hurt, but not beaten.

We come back at the first possible opportunity and we will make sure we offer all the support that we can to all of our customers, partners and friends. 

We hope that the rest of the industry feels the same way and that we will all be able to look at this experience as a lesson and in particular not to take our comfortable lives for granted.

The gaming industry will take a big hit on a global scale and the recovery process will be long and painful.

Albert Radman, Sales Director at Alfastreet