Video gambling terminals ban lifted in Rochester

Video gambling terminals ban lifted in Rochester

Rochester’s trustees voted to end the last ban remaining in Sangamon County since the state legalised terminals in 2012.

US.- Video gaming in Rochester will be a reality after trustees ended the last ban remaining since terminals were legalised in the state back in 2012.

The board of trustee unanimously voted to lift the ban in the community of 3,800 in December and early this month. The voting included the creation of two new types of liquor licenses covering restaurants and wineries.

There had been periodic discussions regarding the lift on the ban as a result of the rapid growth of gambling in Springfield and other Sangamon County communities. Springfield leads the state in video gaming terminals with more than 580.

According to state gaming board figures, Springfield collected nearly US$1.5 million from net terminal income, gambling losses that is, from January 2015 to January 2016.

“We’ve been talking about it for a while, and thought why not?” said Dave Armstrong, Village President. “If everybody’s willing, we’ll just repeal the prohibition. There seems to be a lot of money being made in Springfield, and we might as well get a little bit, too.”

Rochester trustees voted 6-0 with one absence in favour of repealing the ban on Dec. 14. A second 5-0 vote with two absences was taken Feb. 8 that included two “R-G” liquor licenses for restaurants with gaming and one “M-G” license covering establishments that make, bottle and sell alcohol on-site.