More US Senators go against online poker

More US Senators go against online poker

A group of GOP Senators have sent a letter to the US Deputy Attorney General requesting the 2011 reinterpretation of the Wire Act to be overturned.

US.- Four Republican Senators have issued a letter to voice their opposition to the 2011 reinterpretation of the Wire Act. Dan Donovan of New York, Tom Garrett of Virginia, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, and Louie Gohmert of Texas addressed their opinion to the US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and called for all online gambling activity to be stopped.

“Internet gambling carries with it significant law enforcement implications, as the pervasive nature and anonymity of the internet makes it ripe for exploitation by criminals,” the document says and adds: “Other legal issues arise in preventing online casinos from targeting children and, since the internet knows no state boundaries, in protecting the rights of jurisdictions that bar the activity.”

The letter was sent on December 19 but it just leaked in the last few days as the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) found out about it. It adds up to the one signed by Senators Lindsey Graham and Diane Feinstein and issued to the US Department of Justice back in November as lobbyists in favour of the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA) keep busy.

Politicians’ efforts are mainly supported by casino mogul and Las Vegas Sands Corp CEO Sheldon Adelson. The magnate has been funding the anti-iGaming campaign for years as he believes that the segment would cannibalise land-based casinos’ revenues.

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