Thailand questions a casino in Cambodia

Thailand questions a casino in Cambodia

A new casino generated a conflict over territory issues between Cambodia and Thailand, although there has not been a formal discussion.

Thailand.- For the last few months, authorities of Thailand have been questioning the construction of a new casino in Cambodia. Experts agreed that the Cambodian gaming venue has violated the border limit and has been installed in Thai territory. However, Thailand’s National Parks Department confirmed that the casino is located in Cambodia.

The conflict has been discussed since the beginning of the year but Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai commented that the government has not maintained any communication with the neighbour country over the casino issue. Furthermore, the national cabinet has not discussed the conflict during its last meeting, assured the Foreign Minister.

As gaming industry is prohibited in Thailand, the seeming violation of the territory was highly criticised by residents. The conflict began when Thai nationalist anti-corruption activist Veera Somkwamkid denounced the construction of the Cambodian casino in the country’s territory of Ta Phraya National Park in Buriram province. Authorities of the park later said the casino is located 300 metres away from the border.

The case became bigger when the activist was arrested due to apparent Computer Crime Act. Veera assured that the real reason was the exposure of the casino issue, which is related to former Thai politician Newin Chidchob, who has big influence in Buriram province and who took part of the development of the casino.