Thai authorities questioned over casino

Thai authorities questioned over casino

A petition was filed against Thai authorities because they allowed a Cambodian company to build a casino along the border.

Thailand.- Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon an Second Army commander Lt Gen Wichai Saejorhor were accused of negligence after they allowed a Cambodian private company to build a casino along the disputed border between both countries.

According to Bangkok Post, the petition was submitted by the Secretary-general of the Association for the Protection of the Constitution Srisuwan Janya, who believes that the decision of the state agencies involved in the construction of the casino caused damage to society and Thailand in general. Furthermore, Janya claimed that the officials affected the country with their misbehavior and committed malfeasance, since the territory is part of a national park and it would also need the permission from the director-general of the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department in order to be able to turn it a commercial area.

The Secretary also accused the Defense Minister Gen Prawit because the latter had said that the area was in dispute because both nations claim that they own it. Therefore, Janya claims that the minister showed neglect of duty by ignoring the entire situation.