Football wants a piece of sports betting in Argentina

Football wants a piece of sports betting in Argentina

As Argentina begins to move on sports betting legislation, football bodies have voiced their interest in taking part of the business.

Argentina.- Sports betting is among the fastest growing segments in the gaming industry and everybody wants a piece of it. As Argentina begins to move towards its legalisation, football governing bodies have voiced their interest in taking part of the segment’s operation once it finally gets regulated.

Sports betting may be part of the online gaming segment on both Buenos Aires City and the province. Furthermore, the government has already allowed the National Sports Agency to “arrange contests” nationwide. However, Superliga (the top tier football league) and Argentine Football Association (AFA-ruling body for football as a whole) officials are seeking to get compensated and send money to clubs.

“Both Buenos Aires City and the province of Buenos Aires made a decision to exclude our brands from the sharing agreement and we can’t stay out. Nobody asked our opinion or invited us and it seems we won’t get any remuneration. We will reach an agreement or else, they’ll have to write ‘Team 1 vs Team 2’ or ‘Team blue and yellow vs Team red and white’,” a Superliga source told news outlet Tiempo.

Among the reportedly interested parties in operating sports betting in Argentina are Juniors president, Daniel Angelici-Boca and Gianfranco Macri, the Argentine President’s brother.

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Argentina sports betting