Spain addresses poker liquidity

Spain addresses poker liquidity

Spain will start the implementation of the European agreement of shared online poker liquidity.

Spain.- The Spanish gaming regulator DGOJ (Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego) has published the complete information on European agreement of shared online poker liquidity. Spain has addressed the joint regulation to allow a shared liquidity for the French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish poker market.

Since last Friday, the DGOJ has opened the public information process before totally approving the resolution: the process will end on October 1. The public contribution will be destined to DGOJ authorities through the official online platform and through any means approved by the Law 39/2015, October 1 “Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.”

The resolution would allow Spanish players to participate in the shared online poker liquidity. Authorised operators could apply to the project in order to set further strategies to develop the industry. Once operators enter the online poker shared liquidity project, gaming regulators would investigate the companies’ businesses and later approve or reject the petition.

The international settlement was signed earlier this month by authorities from France, Portugal, Spain and Italy, as announced by major gaming regulator in Spain, DGOJ. Although it is a big step for the international gaming industry, the agreement has not immediately come into force as each government will implement it according to its regulatory requirements. However, the European gaming authorities “commit to make their best efforts to enable effective implementation by the end of the year,” according to the DGOJ.

In this article:
France Italy online poker poker Portugal shared liquidity Spain