South Africa destroys illegal gambling machines

South Africa destroys illegal gambling machines

The local gambling board confiscated and destroyed 100 illegal machines from local shops.

South Africa.- The Limpopo Gambling Board from South Africa reported that over 100 illegal gambling machines confiscated from local shops have been destroyed. The board argues that the current fines are not severe enough.

“The serious crimes we’re witnessing in the country start with illegal machines operating in local shops. They then go to drugs and later graduate to other heavy crimes,” said Chairman of the board Elijah Tjiane.

Tijane said that the fine for illegal gambling operators was too little and added that he wishes that “lawmakers could come up with a fine that will fit the crime the person has committed.”

“The work done by the board’s law enforcement unit, working closely with police in tackling illegal and harmful economic activities, is outstanding. Our law enforcement officers confiscated 101 gambling machines which were collected from various spaza shops in and around our communities. Illegal gambling outlets have a negative impact on our economy. Such unregistered and underground operations do not adhere to the tax legislation of the country,” said Limpopo Economic Development MEC Seaparo Sekoat.

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