Rockford extends casino proposal deadline

Rockford extends casino proposal deadline

The Illinois city Rockford has revealed the extension of the deadline to respond to the proposal to build a casino.

US.- Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara announced that the city has extended the deadline to answer to the request for proposal (RFP) to build a casino. The deadline, which was originally set for August 16, has now been pushed to August 30.

The Mayor of Rockford said that the original deadline only gave potential developers 44 days to complete their proposals. That number of days is less than half the industry standard for RFP responses, therefore the new extension will give them 58 days in total.

“We hired consultants who have national experience in dealing with gaming, specifically with casinos, and requests for proposals,” McNamara said. “They’ve all stated to us that the time frame that we provided to respondents is incredibly tight. They strongly urged us to extend the time, so we extended it 14 days. We did this because we want to make sure that we get the absolute best proposals. We want the absolute best deal for the citizens of Rockford.”

Moreover, McNamara said that the extension will not affect the ability to review and certify proposals before the application due date, Rock River Times reported. Rockford has time until October 25 to send proposals to the Illinois Gaming Board.

Chicago residents to decide casino location

Other cities in Illinois are also considering its options to host a casino. Such is the case of Chicago. Its Mayor – Lori Lightfoot – said that she wants residents to decide the location of the new casino.

Furthermore, she wants them to suggest what type of activities they believe the property should offer. The Mayor sent out a survey containing 11 questions to residents in order to discuss the new Chicago casino.

“To learn more about what Chicagoans want to see in a new casino, we are launching a survey that will give our residents a voice in informing how this development can drive the maximum benefit for all communities.

“While the prospect of a new casino holds tremendous potential for generating new revenues and stimulating economic opportunity for Chicago, we are committed to a transparent process for ensuring all voices can be heard as the City moves forward on this historic project.”

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