Polish Prime Minister wants to set new gambling zone

Polish Prime Minister wants to set new gambling zone

The Minister believes that establishing a gambling zone will help operators comply with the Gambling Act.

Poland.- Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has revealed that the country has the intention of establishing a new gambling zone in Poland that will operate outside of the country’s usual regulations, TUNF reported.

The Gambling Act from Poland regulates gambling, but setting a new specific gambling zone would help casino operators to comply with these regulations. This zone would be set up in between Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot. The Minister said that opening gambling to the private sector will allow Poland to enjoy the benefits better than allowing the state to be involved.

The current Gambling Act sets that only sports betting is allowed online and casinos are only permitted in cities with higher populations. The new gambling zone would allow casinos to be developed in areas with lower population as well.

“The first results of inflows from the so-called gambling monopoly are not satisfactory. The reborn Polish state has once again become convinced that the private sector together with its capital and technological base creates the only profitable and logical business model for each country with a democratic system,” said the Minister.

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Poland regulation