Pennsylvania to debate iGaming industry

Pennsylvania to debate iGaming industry

Bars and fraternal clubs would be able to include video gaming services.

US.- Pennsylvanian lawmakers are ready to debate on a possible iGaming regulation as well as legalisation of betting terminals, which would be installed in local bars and authorised fraternal clubs. Gambling expansion is under discussion at federal level after Donald Trump sworn as President of the United States.

A second hearing on the issue is scheduled for March 20 by representatives of the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee and House Gaming Oversight Committee. The first hearing was held in January, where officials opened the door for the debate on iGaming legislation.

Whilst some Pennsylvanian key organisations and officials are in favour of regulating the online casino industry, some believe that the legalisation of video bingo terminals in clubs and bars would impact negatively among land-based casinos.

“Everyone is sort of waiting to hear what they (Justice) have to say,” commented to the press Rep. Aaron Kaufer, R-120, Kingston, a House panel member. “The concern is this could all be for naught for all we know.”

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s legislators are also discussing new policies for current casino tax regulations after last year’s resolution by the Supreme Court, which eliminated several payments leading to lack of funds for host communities.